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    List of Broadcasts

    Jason Hunter Group


    Californiast Los Angelesest pärit trompetimängija, arranžeerija ja helilooja Jason Hunter on õppinud Fullertoni Kolledžis ja Berklee Muusikakolledžis Mark Whitfieldi, Ralph Petersoni ja Tiger Okoshi juures ning osalenud erinevates muusikaprojektides, mis on võimaldanud tal reisida kõikjal maailmas. Hunter on arranžeerija ja instrumentalistina teinud tihedat koostööd särava ja mitmekülgse soul-muusika laulja Sofia Rubinaga, kellega pälviti 2015. aastal Eesti parima jazzalbumi tiitel. Üha sagedamini musitseerib Eestis elav Hunter aga ka koos teiste siinsete jazzmuusikutega.

    Hunter põimib osavalt oma USA lääneranniku jazzis peituvad juured kaasaegsemate lähenemistega. Tulemuseks on muusika, mis kosutab nii hinge, keha kui ka meeli.


    Jason Hunter

    Aleksander Paal
    alto sax

    Joel Remmel

    Peedu Kass

    Dmitri Nikolajevski



    In 2021, Timo Lassy, a tenor saxophonist and composer based in Helsinki, presents his new trio formation. Along for the ride are Ville Herrala on double bass and Jaska Lukkarinen on drums, both mainstays in the Finnish scene and highly-regarded solo artists in their own right. The trio came together in early 2020 for a string of live gigs and started its process in becoming a tighter-than-tight band unit, one which can achieve a near telepathic connection on stage. That should be the goal of any combo, anyway, and the Timo Lassy Trio are approaching the level day by day, with every gig they play. On his album "Trio" (We Jazz Records 2021), Lassy expands the sound of his core unit by inviting strings and electronics along for the ride. The live thing brings out the essence of the band at the center of it all (hence the album title), and stands as a testament to the eternal joy of creating music together, live on stage. Lassy's riff-heavy new compositions take things in a new direction, into one where heavy funk, effortlessly rolling soul jazz and forward-reaching acoustic jazz meet. Their recipe may seem simple on the surface level but for anyone who has tried, there's no harder task in jazz music than to establish a unit which sounds together and maintains its musical direction at all times, however surprising the music might get on the moment. So go on, lend these three guys from Finland your ear, you will congratulate yourself on the choice afterwards.


    Timo Lassy
    tenor saxophone

    Ville Herrala

    Jaska Lukkarinen



    Chris Morrissey is a songwriter, a bassist, a singer, a music director, a leo, an uncle, a lover of most cats and some dogs, a New Yorker, a Minnesotan, a yoga practicer, a wino, a restaurant frequenter, and joke teller/appreciator. As a bassist, he's logged hundreds of thousands of miles touring five continents with the Jim Campilongo Trio, Mark Guiliana Jazz Quartet, Beat Music, Dave King Trucking Company, Sara Bareilles, Chris Thile’s “Live From Here” house band, Margaret Glaspy, Boy George, Ben Kweller, Andrew Bird, Mason Jennings, Gretchen Parlato, Trixie Whitley, Gabriel Kahane, and Amy Helm.

    As a music director, he assembled bands, arranged and rehearsed repertoire for tour and TV for Sara Bareilles (on her Album of the Year Grammy nominated “The Blessed Unrest” tours), Sharon Van Etten (Remind Me Tomorrow tours), Trixie Whitley (Porta Bohemica tours), and Elle King (Shake The Spirit tours).

    As a composer and band leader, Mr. Morrissey has released four records to high praise: “Laughing and Laughing” (2018), “The Morning World” (2009, Sunnyside), “Cannon Falls Forever” (2011, self release) and “North Hero” (2013, Sunnyside). His 5th record “Impact Winter Formal” (Edition Records) was released in July 2021.

    He has been featured in Bass Player Magazine, is a member of the adjunct faculty at The New School For Jazz and Contemporary Music and has received commissions from The Jazz Gallery and The Jazz Coalition. Chris lives between a park and a cemetery in Brooklyn, New York.

    Touring in support of his new Edition Records release “Impact Winter Formal”, Chris Morrissey is thrilled to be making his first appearance in Estonia with his NYC band in town.


    Chris Morrissey
    bass, vocals

    Charlotte Greve
    alto saxophone, vocals

    Marco Bolfelli
    guitar, vocals

    Bill Campbell

    Kalle Pilli Quintet


    Kalle Pilli on Eesti noorema generatsiooni väljapaistev kitarrist. Tiit Pauluse nimelise kitarrimängija preemia võitmine 2017. aastal andis vajaliku tõuke, et vaadata üle sahtlisse kogunenud omalooming, kuna preemia laureaati on alati järgmisele Viljandi Kitarrifestivalile esinema oodatud. Omanimelisse kvintetti kutsus Kalle oma head sõbrad, kes on juhtumisi samuti hinnatud noored muusikud Eestis. Juba mõnda aega on ta tahtnud just selle koosseisuga omaloomingut esitada. Kalle ise on mänginud väga erinevates koosseisudes, mistõttu on tema kirjutatud muusika segu jazzist, groove'ist, fusionist, popist. Loomingus on tähtsal kohal ka ilusad meloodiad ja ballaadid.


    Kalle Pilli

    Keio Vutt

    Joel Remmel

    Janno Trump

    Ramuel Tafenau